National Indian Head Start Directors Association
Standing Strong for American Indian and Alaska Native Children
NIHSDA is dedicated to the issues that affect American Indian Alaska Native (AIAN) Head Start. For NIHSDA, one of our primary objectives is to advocate on behalf of all AIAN Head Start and Early Head Start programs to improve the lives of children and families by influencing legislators’ and policymakers’ opinions and activities, especially for desirable funding or regulations.
Advocacy is the process of supporting a cause or proposal. One of our primary objectives is to keep abreast of issues, trends and legislation that have the potential to affect Head Start, and letting legislators know and understand our point of view about such issues. Because NIHSDA does not directly receive federal funding (unlike Head Start and Early Head Start programs), it is in a position to speak for its membership and carry its messages to legislators.
Our voice is made stronger by the continuing involvement and commitment of AIAN Head Start programs.
Your support will allow NIHSDA to:
Research and draft briefing documents, including background materials, letters and testimony and, when appropriate, legislative language
Educate decision makers on the issues of important to AIAN Head Start
Review legal, legislative and administrative developments for their impact on AIAN programs and respond with appropriate comments
Respond to Congressional and Administration requests for information and for policy views and issues
Prepare for and meet with government officials
Hold webinars, briefings and other events intended to educate the NIHSDA membership as well as others on AIAN Head Start issues
Develop policy positions
Attend hearings
Coordinate with other Early Childhood Education partners
Every dollar donated makes a difference in our struggle to improve and expand Head Start services for Indian children and families.